Calling Sin By Its Right Name

Conscientious Christians frequently remind us that we are “to call sin by its right name.” 1 So I shall try to make an effort to “call sin by its right name” in this post. First of all, it seems to me, we need to define sin. We all recognize the classic definition that “sin is the … Continue reading –>

Gay Christian – An Oxymoron?

“How can one be gay and call oneself a Christian?” These words bring back memories of the time when I thought that “gay Christian” was an oxymoron. Since then I, a conservative Christian who believes that sexual activity was designed by God as a special bond and procreative act within heterosexual marriage, have gained some … Continue reading –>

Are you gay?

As a Christian, how do you answer that question? Being same-sex attracted, Tim felt that he was “gay.” So when Andrew asked him, “Are you gay,” he got that deer-caught-in-the-headlights look, which was a give-away even without the “yes” that followed. … Continue reading –>

His Take: The Bible really does condemn homosexuality

I wouldn’t expect to see an uncompromising statement regarding the Bible’s condemnation of homosexual sex featured prominently on CNN. com. But on March 3, 2011, that’s exactly what happened. While we may not agree 100% with all of what Dr. Gagnon writes, he makes some thought-provoking statements. What do you think? My Take: The Bible … Continue reading –>

Sins of Sodom

Many Christians believe that homosexuality is the worst of sins because, after all, God destroyed Sodom for it, didn’t He? But does the Bible really say this? For the sake of completeness, I have done a digital search of the Bible for all references to Sodom. I haven’t copied them all in this post because … Continue reading –>

Is homosexuality a sin?

Most conservative Christians answer Yes to that question. And same-sex-attracted persons listening feel condemned because they understand homosexuality to be their sexual orientation, just like heterosexuality is a sexual orientation. But when conservative Christians say “homosexuality,” they usually think of gay sex, rather than sexual orientation. And that creates a lot of misunderstanding. … Continue reading –>

What is an abomination to God?

Many Christians believe that “homosexual behavior” is the worst of sins and that God hates homosexuals, based on Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13, where same-sex intercourse is called an “abomination.” Does the Bible really justify this conclusion? Do we know what abomination really means? Let’s see if the rest of the Bible sheds light on the … Continue reading –>

Did God Make Me Gay?

“God made me gay” is a common justification for engaging in gay sex.  After all, if God didn’t approve of gay sex, “it would be like creating a bird with wings and telling it not to fly.”  It’s a variation of the “The devil made me do it” argument.  Both arguments assume that we cannot … Continue reading –>