Our Vision – A Community of Christ-followers

We envision a body of Christ in which straight, gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and trans-gendered members truly exemplify the love of God in their relations with each other — loving unconditionally without demanding proof that others are “worthy” of love. For God loved us unconditionally, as unworthy as we are.

To this end we want to foster understanding and encourage dialogue to help reduce the fear of homosexuality (homophobia) that is too often evident in conservative Christian churches and to replace it with an active love that finds its source in the heart of God.

We envision our discussion lists as aiding subscribers in recognizing their supreme value in the eyes of God. And we envision our private discussion lists functioning as cyber communities in which persons with different sexual orientations “bear one another’s burdens” and so fulfill the law of Christ, encouraging each other in our relationships with Christ.

On the other hand, you are very welcome to comment on our public articles and posts without joining our Yahoogroups private list, and you may even submit your own blog posts in harmony with our philosophy.

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