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Questions Frequently Asked by Gay Christians

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Why do conservative Christians condemn us for an orientation which we did not choose?

Why do heterosexual Christians feel they are so much better than us when they feel free to divorce and remarry against biblical rules?

If God made me gay, how can He expect me not to engage in gay sex? 

Why do conservative Christians condemn us for an orientation which we did not choose?
They don't think that's what they're doing. Unfortunately there's a communication problem because conservative Christians are often unaware that there's such a thing as a homosexual orientation. They see homosexuality only in terms of sexual behavior -- i.e. same-gender genital or oral sex. So when they condemn homosexuality, in their minds, they are condemning same-gender genital and oral sex, not homosexually oriented persons who are not engaging in sex. It's a matter of a lack of education, and we're trying to fill the gap. But it's a slow process.
If you're a celibate or married gay or lesbian Christian, just remember that the preacher isn't talking about you when he's referring to homosexuality in his Sunday sermon. What he's got in his mind is the latest TV show advocating gay sex and marriage as a human right. Or maybe he's got a picture of the news shots from the last Gay Pride demonstration in his mind.
Try not to take it personally -- unless you were in that last parade nearly naked, making a spectacle of yourself! (And if you can figure out how to get him or her to take a look at our web site, that should help. H'mm... why not write to us, giving us your pastor's name, phone number and email address, and we'll see if he'll communicate with one of us. Don't worry, we won't give away who sent us the information.  [back] [top]
Why do heterosexual Christians feel they are so much better than us when they feel free to divorce and remarry against biblical rules?
It's probably a matter of built-in societal prejudices. The Bible is clear on the appropriate venue for sexual contact -- a life-long union between one man and one woman. Divorce and remarriage is no more in harmony with God's plan than is homosexual sex.

This is not meant to condemn all who have been divorced and remarried. Jesus did say there was one condition under which divorce is appropriate.
[back] [top]
If God made me gay, how can He expect me not to engage in gay sex?
We believe that your statement is based on two false assumptions:
1. You assume that your condition is the result of God's active intervention. But God does not normally intervene in the cause-effect relationship in our world. What He does, instead, is to give us grace and strength to deal with the situation in which we find ourselves.

Homosexuality appears to be the result of the complicated inter-action of biological and sociological factors -- all of which, in turn, resulted from the sinful conditions on this planet.
2. You assume that what is "natural" is moral. But that's not what the Bible teaches. It says that "the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." That's the "natural" heart. We also read that we are all sinners and that the "natural man receives not the things of the Spirit ..."

The way of Christ is always a path of self-denial -- whether we are heterosexually or homosexually oriented. He said, "If anyone would be my disciple let him take up his cross daily and follow me." When He said this, the cross wasn't a pretty little gold pendant on a delicate chain. It was an instrument of torture reserved only for the lowest of the low criminals. So we should hardly expect that the Christian walk would be a means of fulfilling all our natural desires. [back] [top]

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Last modified 04 Oct 2009 03:51 PM