All posts to this list are to be considered
confidential and are not to be forwarded to any person not currently
on the list, except by specific permission of the author(s) who
wrote the original post. This rule is so important that anyone
ignoring this rule may be immediately dropped from the list.
Private posts are not to be shared with this list or
with anyone else without the specific permission of the writer.
One of the main purposes of this list is to support
each other as we learn to understand and respect our gay and lesbian
children and/or friends, including the choices they have made.
We expect posters to be respectful of others' views,
even though these may be perceived as being wrong. It is useful to
use phrases such as "I think," "It seems to me,"
or "I feel," rather than bluntly telling others how wrong
they are. Our goal should not be primarily to convince others
to see things "our way," but to simply share what our
experiences and study have led us to understand.
Since this is a support list for those Christians
who are convinced that sexual activity is only appropriate within
the covenantal bond of heterosexual marriage, posts arguing the
acceptability of gay sex are not appropriate for this list. Instead
we would refer any with such convictions to the P-FLAG organization.
We try to make this a safe place for everyone
concerned and may return a post to you because of possibly hurtful
content. If your post is returned, please revise it and submit
again. Do not send it privately to the person to whom you are
If you have a disagreement with a moderator, please
discuss it in private instead of writing to others about your
disagreement. Critical gossip destroys the atmosphere we wish to
maintain on this list and we will not knowingly keep subscribers who
engage in it.
We trust that you will find these guide lines agreeable
and look forward to getting better acquainted.